What We Do

Robot Manager

Robot Manager starts with a full assessment of the performance and efficiency of the existing automatic milking system. This will initially involve one farm visit, where a detailed study of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) of the milking operation is carried out. Recommendations for adjustments to the system to optimise performance will be discussed and agreed with the farmer before being implemented. The performance will be monitored following the visit both remotely via Teamviewer and telephone and by on farm visits, on a regular basis, usually monthly. These will ensure targets are being achieved and progress made. We can also specify high energy robot specific compound feeds which can be sourced through our independent feed buying groups. Robot Manager is a vital tool to enable optimal efficiency of operation of the Robotic Milking Systems to achieve the maximum performance for the dairy enterprise.

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Email: enquiries@thedairygroup.co.uk
Tel: 01823 444488

Robotic Milking