What We Do
Milk Quality Manager
Milk Quality Manager starts with a review of the current milk quality performance. This review includes somatic cell counts, bactoscans, clinical mastitis and discarded milk. Milk Quality Manager begins with a farm visit to look at the existing facilities, review the milking process and assess the effectiveness of the plant cleaning. We then use the latest software packages to analyse mastitis and SCC patterns and arrive at a specific diagnosis which is unique to the farm. Rejected milk (whether due to clinical mastitis or bulk SCC manipulation) is also quantified.
This detailed diagnosis ensures that the milk quality control plan which is developed is specifically targeted to the unique circumstances of the particular farm. An action plan is developed and agreed by all parties and detailed monitoring set in place. Three further visits are undertaken through the year to help ensure that SCC, clinical mastitis and reject milk targets are being achieved.
Tel: 01823 444488
Email: enquiries@thedairygroup.co.uk