The Dairy Group publish regular press releases on topical dairy industry issues. Please click on any article on interest below to read more.
Posted by The Dairy Group - 15/03/11 10:00AM
In this article you will view this weeks Dairy Group Intel Report . This report can be viewed in our News system or by document download.
UK milk production ~ The UK unadjusted production in February of 1021 million litres was 43 million litres (4.4%) above last year and 98 million litres below The Dairy Group quota profile. The February butterfat was 3.99%, which was 8 points below last year. The UK annual rolling production to February 2011 has increased to 13,294 million litres, which was 1405 million litres (9.6%) below quota. The 12 month rolling butterfat adjustment has reduced to 3.95% fat which is 2 points below the UK butterfat base, which reduces production by 48 million litres.
MAIZE SEED ~ Our 2011 short listed maize varieties are now available covering a wide range of maturity classes from 6 to 13. Prices are for 50,000 seed packs with prices from £54 per pack including standard Mesurol seed dressing.
Grass seed ~ Our 2011 seed mixtures are now available, with 5 conventional mixtures from £29 per acre (14kg). Also available are organic mixtures from £47.50 per acre. Field margin, Westerwolds and special mixes also available.
Prices from £372/t for our high quality dairy mineral with discounts for larger orders. There are 10 different mixes available (plus 4 organic) to cover the majority of situations including minerals for youngstock, beef and sheep.
We can source a range of straights (urea, limestone flour, magnesium chloride, etc.) and the following fats at very competitive rates:
C16 100% fat; 85% C16 fat: Butterfat Extra
Calcium soap 84% fat; 32 MJ/kg DM: Evopac
From 1st January any farms in an NVZ should have prepared a risk map and to have started keeping NVZ records. Our service aims to give you peace of mind and to reduce the chance of not meeting Cross Compliance rules resulting in a Single Farm Payment penalty. Ring 01823 444488.
The Dairy Group Top 20 bulls are on line at decision support on You can now select on sexed semen. Enter your own breeding requirements and the Bull Selector will list your best value for money bulls. We can then help you to source the semen at a competitive price.
DAIRY COMPOUND FEED ~ conventional and organic
You can save up to 20% on the price of your dairy cake by joining one of our feed groups. We typically specify six high quality dairy cakes with a minimum 13 ME. Our group cakes are randomly sampled and independently analysed to ensure they achieve our high quality specification. Ring the Taunton office for more details.
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